International summer academy 2019


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UBT remains to be an innovative institution of higher education in Kosovo and in region, offers contemporary programs of study based on international quality standards; eminent academics and experts; possibility for external experience (professional studies and practices); modern infrastructure, organization and modern management in UBT (in accordance with ISO 9001); direct link with the economy, academic and international research projects and transfer of tech knowledge, as well as students and highly motivated personnel.


This event will be held for students which are focused on learning about the theory and application of Digital Manufacturing. Design professionals, supervisors and managers are required to understand, use, and extract value from digital manufacturing. This course will expose you to the transformation taking place, throughout the world, in the way that products are being designed and manufactured. The technology we use every day – whether it is communicating with friends and family, purchasing products or streaming entertainment – can benefit design and manufacturing, making companies and workers more competitive, agile and productive. Discover how this new approach to making products makes companies more responsive, and employees more involved and engaged, as new career paths in advanced manufacturing evolve.



The Academy will cover new technologies, organizational solutions and the application of Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing (3D printing), PLC and Digital Production Line


Students (Bachelor, Master) studying in Natural and Technical Sciences, Mechatronics and Management, Energy Efficiency Engineering, and Computer Science Engineering.


All participants that have participated the 50% of the summer academy will take the certificate of participation to the Summer Academy on Mechatronics Management. At the end of the summer academy the exam will be organized and the particiants passing the exam will take the certificate of completion with 2 ECTS, which can be calculated as free elective course in any faculty at UBT depending on the decision of the Dean of the corresponding faculty.


At the end of this event students will gain the knowledge on Digital Manufacturing. Students will be familiar will Industry 4.0, Production Lines, 3D Printers and Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs.

Digital Manufacturing

Save the date – 8 – 12 July 2019

It's up to you to choose on what you want to learn.


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